
Nook Versus iPad: Reading Experience

When you're looking for an ebook reader there are many options including the Nook, Nook Color, Kindle, iPad and more. In this short video feature we will give y...

Barnes & Noble NOOKstudy Now Available

Barnes & Noble's NOOKstudy eReader software is now available for PC and Mac, for free. This software allows students to purchase and view eTextbooks on thei...

NOOK App Now Available for Android

Already available many other mobile platforms, Barnes and Noble's eReader application has finally come to Android devices. The free eReader application, branded...

Amazon Sells More eBooks than Hardcovers

Amazon announced on Monday that it has sold more eBooks than hardcovers for three months straight. Amazon is one of the nation's largest booksellers. Back in...

Sharp’s New XMDF Format

Sharp has created a new standard for eBooks, which would provide an experience more similar to that of the iPad. The new standard is aimed towards enriching the...

Top Five eReaders For Students

Laptop Magazine has compiled a list of the top five eReaders for students. Ranging from dedicated eReader devices to the iPad, Laptop MAGAZINE covers price, fea...