Apple Notebooks

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iPad App Store Screenshots

AppAnnie, one of the many sites focused on finding Apple App Store apps for us to play with, has some screen shots of what the app store home page will probably...

First Day iPad Sales v. iPhone Sales

Brainstorm Tech is reporting that first day orders of the Apple iPad reached nearly 120,000 units. The numbers are based on figures from an amateur Apple analys...

Mac sales are up– and not just the iPad

By now, we have all heard that the iPad pre-order is making big sales, something on the order of 120,000 pre-ordered on the first day.  Not too shabby for Apple...

A quick Macworld wrap-up

Well Macworld Expo 2010 is over.  The fat lady has sung her tune (over iTunes of course).  How did Macworld do without Apple being there this year? Well, fro...

Apple iPad Information Overview

If you are looking for more information about the Apple iPad, known by many as the Apple Tablet, you've come to the right place. You can find links to defining ...

Determining the iPad’s Value

While Josh put together a little guide explaining how you can afford an iPad for as little as $7 a day, I think there's a more important question worth asking: ...

A look back at Apple’s iFlops

Not everything that Apple does is perfect.  Their products and services can't all be iPods, iPhone or the new iPad.  There has been some major 'iFlops' in Apple...
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Apple iPad Software Overview

Today was the day of the big Apple iPad unveiling. Lot's of speculation surrounded the release, but today all was made clear at the Apple event. The iPad app...