Windows 7

Extending Windows 7 with Windows Live

I have written a number of articles so far discussing Windows 7's various features and improvements. One of the top questions I come across from persons who hav...

The Best Windows 7 Taskbar Hacks

The new taskbar in Windows 7 is arguably one of the best improvements from a user interface standpoint. Not only has it given users the ability to better organi...

How to Enable Automatic Windows Updates

It is always good idea to keep your computer up to date. Keeping your computer up to date is an important step in protecting your computer from viruses, malware...

Top 5 Operating Systems for Netbooks

In addition to upping the number of individuals who enjoy computing on the go netbooks have done one thing that notebooks have largely failed to do; bring atten...

How to turn on God Mode in Windows 7

Sick of hunting all over the control panel and in the settings of individual Windows programs to find the setting you are looking to change? That's soon to be a...
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Utilizing Parental Controls in Windows 7

Ten years ago, the Internet was a small extension of the desktop that was available to a select few. With today's pervasive Internet, the risk are higher, we ha...