Intel Anti Theft Laptop Tech Coming to Blue Label Laptops in 2011

Losing a laptop is a pain. Not only have you lost a piece of hardware, but more than likely you’ve lost sensitive documents and other items you don’t want a stranger to have access to.

This is a problem that Intel is aware of and is working to address with some new Anti Theft features that will be built into the new Best Buy Blue Label laptops.

The main features include,

  • Delete – The ability to delete your hard drive
  • Protection – Prevents a thief from using a new hard drive in your laptop or reading your hard drive on.
  • Timer – If you don’t use your laptop in 3 to 30 days you can set it to automatically lock.

The solution isn’t as robust as a Lojack for Laptops product which will assist with recovering your laptop if it is stolen, but it is a nice addition to the Blue Label line of laptops like the Toshiba E305.

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