We at Notebooks.com are going to be doing a weekly article highlighting some of our favorite iPad apps. Each Friday we will post a review of an iPad App of the Week that we recommend to you.
These apps will include useful utilities, games, productivity apps, or content consumption apps like book readers. Whatever it is, the app will be something that we really like, find very useful or entertaining. The apps will always be a download we can recommend to you whole heartedly.
The first Notebooks.com iPad App of the Week is an app that I use every single day and have even given it a spot in my iPad Dock. The app is called News Rack. It costs $4.99 in the app store, but I think it is worth it if you use Google Reader or just read a lot of RSS feeds.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and brings the web to you. The purpose of an RSS Reader like Google Reader and News Rack is to bring frequently updated content to you in a single location. In the old days of web browsing we went to a web site by following a link, clicking on a bookmark or favorite in our browsers, or typing the URL. With RSS you can open your reader and all those favorite sites will be delivered directly to you. While you’re at it, you can add Notebooks.com to your RSS feed reader with this link.
News Rack is a great RSS reader that is simple to use and syncs with Google Reader, which is my chosen RSS Reader for the PC. It supports posting to Twitter, Facebook, or Delicious. You can also send links to Instapaper or Read It Later, and you can simply copy the link to paste elsewhere or you can email a link and the content to whoever you choose.
Above is a video that shows the features of News Rack and below you can see a gallery of the screenshots. I recommend it highly.
If you have another RSS Feed reader for the iPad that you like better, please post a comment below and let us know why you like it or what features it has that might make it better than our iPad App of the Week.