Palm Pre Reviewed ….Extensively

The Palm Pre will begin selling at Sprint stores this Saturday, but before you rush out and buy one you should read Engadget’s multi-page review and watch the demo videos.

The reviewer had a lot of good things to say about the Pre, but as with all first-generation devices there’s plenty of room for improvement.

On the plus side, he liked the industrial design, how it handles SMS/IM and the web browser. He also liked the included Sprint Navigation application.

He wasn’t so crazy about the Palm Pre’s email client and part of the phone did break during normal use.


To put it simply, the Pre is a great phone, and we don’t feel any hesitation saying that. Is it a perfect phone? Hell no. Does its OS need work? Definitely. But are any of the detracting factors here big enough to not recommend it? Absolutely not. There’s no doubt that there’s room for improvement in webOS and its devices, but there’s also an astounding amount of things that Palm nails out of the gate.

via Engadget

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