
Turn Your Android Phone Into a Mousepad and Remote

gmote_logoSick of the small mousepad on your new netbook? Wish you could sit back and watch Hulu or browse the web from the couch with your computer connected to an HDTV? Do you have an Android powered phone? If you answered yes to these questions then Gmote is exactly what you need.

Sony Ericsson W518a: Meet AT&T’s New Facebook Phone

brittany_w518a_front_openFacebook, Facebook, Facebook! Things are really heating up for the social network especially on the news that it acquired Friendfeed which could provide it a leg up on its competitor Twitter. Why am I starting out a phone review with a news update for Facebook? Well because the Sony Ericsson W518a, which runs on AT&T’s network, is all but called a Facebook phone.
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T-Mobile G1, Android Phone Announced

T-Mobile's the first to introduce a phone powered by Google's open-source Android operating system. The T-Mobile G1, which has a touchscreen display and a full QWERTY keyboard, features several Google applications included Google Maps with Street View and YouTube.
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Palm Centro Coming to Sprint for $99

Palm CentroPalm announced the Palm Centro will be available at Sprint stores for $99 starting October 14. Aimed at first-time smartphone buyers, the Centro is the company's smallest smartphone yet. The Palm Centro will run on Sprint's EVDO network to deliver web content, video and chat.
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First EVDO ExpressCard

Novatel's X620 ExpressCard for notebooks is designed to run on Sprint and Verizon's EVDO networks. A growing number of notebooks - from Apple, Dell, Lenovo, HP...
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HP &Cingular to Offer Notebooks with Global 3G

HP will integrate Cingular’s BroadbandConnect into future HP business notebooks.HP is expected to be the first company to provide customers with global 3G capabilities when it expands its range of broadband wireless notebooks to integrate Cingular’s UMTS/HSDPA-based technology later this year.
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Bad Ringtone

One noise you necer want to hear coming from another guy’s cell phone.