Review of Phoenix FailSafe: Track Down Lost Laptops and Data

Losing your laptop can be a huge pain. Not only are you out the cost of your laptop but you may have lost confidential documents or a term paper that hasn't yet been backed up. There are several programs and services that let you track down your laptop and even work with law enforcement to help recover a stolen laptop. Phoenix Technologies, notably known for making Bios software, has a new service call FailSafe that helps you track the last place your laptop connected to the internet, retrieve or delete files and even disable the computer completely.
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Introducing The One Second Boot Screen! (video)

When Xavier was at the Intel Developer Forum yesterday he had a chance to see a cool new bit of tech from Phoenix Technologies that makes booting your computer faster. How fast is it? Well in case you miss it in the video below the bios boot screen is visible for about a second and Windows 7 is running within 13 seconds...from a cold boot.