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Will Next iPhone Ship in June?

While still unconfirmed, most observers agree that the next iPhone will likely be announced at WWDC which starts June 7th. But could it also be on sale that soo...

iPhone 4.0- the reality

Earlier today, I wrote about all the speculation surrounding the iPhone 4.0 announcement that was happening today in Cupertino.  I had a list of features I thou...
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Review: MacSpeech Dictate 1.5

MacSpeech Dictate is a voice-recognition application for OSx users. I just unboxed a copy of MacSpeech and wrote this review by talking to my MacBook Pro.

3 Reasons the iPhone 3Gs is Not For You

It doesn't take much more than a stroll around the web to see what everyone and their mother is talking about. Apple unveiled its rumored and highly anticipated iPhone 3Gs yesterday at the WWDC keynote presentation. Besides a number of significant hardware and software upgrades, they also decided to drop the price of their 8GB 3G (notice, no "s") model to a mere $99 with the hope that even the dude in charge of the fries at the local burger joint will be sending SMS messages to his girlfriend in between orders. If you are the previously mentioned "Fry Guy" I felt it might be important to share a few reasons why the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3Gs devices might not be for you.

What Happened to All That Palm Pre Buzz?

We've been talking a lot about the iPhone 3Gs and iPhone 3.0 today, but haven't mentioned the Palm Pre once. According to analysts, approximately 50,000 Palm Pr...
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Apple Claims Safari 4 Fastest Browser Available

Apple's Safari 4 web browser was officially announced at WWDC 2009 today and boasts some fantastic claims. JavaScript, a commonly used programming language that allows for greater interactive web browsing, loads 4.5 times faster than Safari 3, more than 4 times faster than Firefox 3, and a whopping 8 times faster than IE 8. For simple HTML sites, Safari 4 can render pages at least 3 times faster than both Firefox and IE 8. Full press release below:

Apple Announces Snow Leopard OS, $29 to Upgrade

hero20080609Today's a big news day for Apple with their annual WWDC in San Francisco. OS X has been updated to 10.6 and will be called Snow Leopard, which will be offered at an upgrade price of $29 for single users and $49 for a 5-license Family Pack. Users of Snow Leopard will notice a performance increase over previous versions of OS X thanks to increased implementation of 64-bit software that can utilize greater than 4GB of RAM while seeing a net increase of roughly 6GB of storage space thanks to a streamlining of the OS footprint. Check out the full press release below:

More Affordable MacBook Pros Announced

Apple revised its MacBook Pro line today at WWDC. The company's aluminum 13" MacBooks have been upgraded and now carry the MacBook Pro moniker. Apple revised an...
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MacBook Pro Update Coming Soon

MacBook ProApple's set to announce updates to its MacBook Pro line of notebooks next month at WWDC, according to industry experts. The new MacBook Pros will feature Intel's Santa Rosa platform.